There are some words that are simply confusing. For instance, when a word has more than one spelling and/or multiple meanings, it may cause you to make a mistake.
There are some words that are simply confusing. For instance, when a word has more than one spelling and/or multiple meanings, it may cause you to make a mistake.
Spelling rules in English can be challenging and confusing. There are a few rules to follow as well as some important exceptions to remember.
e about grammar in the workplace. It’s was so spot-on, that we had to share it with you.
Punctuation provides structure and organization to written language. Has your smartphone gotten you into bad habits where it comes to punctuation? If the answer is yes, then your reader can think one of two things: The writer doesn’t know any better, and this is the best s/he could do; The writer does know better, and … Read On >
Choosing the right word will guarantee that you will convey exactly what you mean, whereas choosing the incorrect word can sound wrong or can change the meaning of the statement. When do you use “input” or “enter”? What about the difference between “back-up” or “replacement”? How about “fix” or “resolve”? Ensure that words and expressions you … Read On >
We use numbers all the time. However, do you ever think about how you use numbers when writing? It is time to make a habit. Follow the accepted standards (listed below). Always make sure that number use in a document is user-friendly–easy to understand. Spell out numbers one through nine. One, two, three, etc. Use figures … Read On >
Punctuation plays a central role in conveying meaning to the reader. Punctuation provides structure and organization to the written language you use. How should this sentence be punctuated? Woman without her man is nothing If you want an answer to this, click here.Has using your smartphone gotten you into bad habits where it comes to … Read On >
Well lookie here… the Earth has revolved around the Sun once again! Three hundred sixty-five days have elapsed (or as the cast in the musical Rent would sing, “525,600 Minutes”). A year is a good marker for progress made. Once it’s completed, it all starts again. Happy New Year. Two thousand seventeen has been Improving Communications’ best year yet. We owe … Read On >
Does it bother you when people butcher the English Language, or make mistakes that could be avoided? For example: Do you find it irksome that the United States calls their end-of-season Major League baseball game The World Series, when only two countries are involved? Or is it annoying when people call Independence Day the Fourth … Read On >